Treo Button 1.0b5

(c)2002 Simple-Palm By Hacker Dude-san

1. What's Treo Button

    Supported device: treo 180, treo 180g, treo 270(Not tested, but may work), treo90).

    This program runs on HandSpring's treo only and change the behavior when Lid is open or Jog rocker is pushed while treo is powered off. ( This won't work on treo 90)
    On treo with keyboard , you can also change the application when application launch button is pushed with option buttun or shift key.
     You can disable program switch which occurs when lid is open or Jog rocker is pushed by setting the Lid Open or Jog Pushed to '--None--'

     CAUTION!!! When shift launch feature is activated, you can't delete or upgrada TreoButton. Don't forget to disable it before delete/upgrad.

   Download TreoButton 1.0b5

2. Caution

3. Contact information


Please let me know which Palm device, OS and other HackMaster Extensions etc
you are using, when you send me a bug report.

(c)2002 Simple-Palm
by Hacker Dude-san(YAMADA Tatsushi)